Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Master Doctor Mommy

Mommy graduated on Sunday, May 17th. Now Daddy calls her "Master Doctor Wifey" so I'm calling her "Master Doctor Mommy." Heehee. I'm getting very vocal these days. It's so fun to practice my sounds! But on Sunday I had to practice being quiet during TWO graduation ceremonies. Mommy received her MBA from Willamette University's Atkinson Graduate School of Management and her Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from WU's College of Law. The ceremonies were colorful, musical-and even a bit inspirational. The best part is that Mommy is all done studying--mostly. She will still need to make a giant study effort to pass the bar exam. But she is all done with school and classes! Yippee!!! Time to play, enjoy friendships, work in our garden, and volunteer in the community. Mommy is going to save the world from the evil human traffickers and slave traders. I'm excited to see how she does it!!

1 comment:

MandMKoehn_3Kids said...

Congrats Angie! That is awesome! Hope you and the family are doing well. I check your blog whenever you have a new post. Don't know if you knew we have a blog. Address is One thing I suggest is making your pictures bigger! :-) I can't see you all in those tiny shots! :-) Even when I click on it! :-)