Saturday, September 12, 2009

Silver Falls Fun on Saturdays

Today and two weeks ago Lake toured Silver Falls State Park, that fabulous rain forest with waterfalls galore! Lake rides in style on Daddy's back in the cadillac carrier. Here's a few pictures of our fun times.

Lake Takes a Stand (and a Sit) for Health Care Reform

Lake attended her first political rally advocating for much needed health care reform. You can see from the picture that she lost interest after the main points were stated. She found great interest in the dirt and woodchips at the edge of the gathering. As the gathering broke up, a woman came up to me and informed me that lots of dogs do their business in that area. Yucky!! But, taking political action is tough work and a little dog poo won't stop us from insiting that all children -and big people too- should have access to basic needed health care!