Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lake Meets her Cousin

Uncle Chris, Auntie Kellie, and Cousin Andie are visiting for the week. This is Lake's first opportunity to meet Mommy's brother and his family. It's been fun to see the two little girls get together. As they are both very young, the two have eyed each other and now Andie is getting braver and offering toys with which Lake might enjoy playing. Very cute.

So far, we've taken the girls to A.C. Gilbert's Discovery Museum (Lake slept the whole time while Andie had to be pried away from the bubble room), the Coast (Lake slept through her first walk on the beach while the rest of us got caught off gaurd by a sneeker wave and walked the day in wet feet), and Silver Falls (again Lake slept through the roar of the falling water while the adults learned the limits of off-roading with a stroller). Next on the agenda: The Tulip Festival in Woodburn.
It has been a special gift for family to come out and visit us during our week of spring break!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lake's Dedication

Today Jeremy and Angel dedicated their baby, Lake Mahal, at Trinity Covenant Church.
As parents, we dedicate Lake to the Lord, accepting the promise that Lake is a child of God and vowing to raise Lake so that she may come to know her Savior, Jesus Christ. Lake's Sponsors, Amber & Mike Buchanan and Tia & Dan Harms, as well as the whole Trinity Covenant Church family vowed to help Jeremy and Angel in their task and be a loving extended family to Lake. Jeremy and Angel feel so blessed and privileged to raise this child of God as their daughter. We are so thankful to the Trinity family for being the hands and feet of God by caring for us when Lake arrived, for bringing us meals, showering Lake clothes & blankets, and even sharing baby equipment. We thank our church family in advance for the many ways they will love Lake and tell her all about her heavenly Father's great love.

Lake's Dedication Bible verse: Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."

Lake's Dedication Hymn: "Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Every color, every race, all are covered by His grace. Jesus loves the little children of the world."

Lake's Butterfly Cake. Thanks, Amber. It was yummy!

Later, we shared a celebratory meal together. Grayson shouted for joy and little Noah gently held baby Lake. :-)

A blessed day.