Saturday, December 27, 2008

Playtime with Lake

Now that we've mastered eating and sleeping, we are trying out the swing and Lake's toys, music, and books. The fun continues!

Christmas Day

On Christmas Day the Wanak family of three checked out of the hospital and went home. Mommy and Daddy gave Lake the tour of her new place -so filled with love. Our dear friends, the Buchanans, brought over Christmas dinner and joined us for a lovely Christmas celebration topped off with a birthday cake for baby Jesus. We are filled with such joy--remembering the Christ child's birth and grateful for the safe birth of Lake Wanak.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Meet Baby Lake Mahal

New Mommy and Daddy with baby Lake.
Lake Mahal was born December 23rd at 8:37pm. She is 7 lbs. 2 oz. and 19.5 inches. What a peanut! We are in love.
Merry Christmas.

Here's Daddy holding his Christmas Angel.
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Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Going to the Hospital

Finally, the day has arrived! So we grab our bag (and Sherlock too) and head out the door for the Salem Hospital.

More SNOW and ICE

As we continue to await baby Lake's arrival, the snow and ice continue to accumulate here in Salem. Due to the weekend ice storm, thousands of Salem area residents lost power. We lost our power late Sunday afternoon (ironically, on the darkest day of the year). Jer and I enjoyed reading Shelock Holmes by candlelight and even made gyoza on our camping colman stove. Happily, we discovered Monday afternoon that the heat worked in the little apartment above our garage. So we camped out up there enjoying the dark adventure through Monday night. Today the snow continues to fall and Jer is shoveling our driveway (something we thought we'd never do here in Salem!) so we can get out to our next doctor's appointment this morning.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow in Salem!

This week, with our baby due at any day, snow and cold has hit Salem -a rare event for us here in the Willamette Valley. Jeremy and I took a few pictures of our home all dressed in white fluffy flakes. Then we went to work rescuing several plants out of the snow and into our toasty home. We also took a few walks and saw cars spinning and sliding all over the roads. For now we are happily tucked away as Jeremy is enjoying the second day of cancelled school. Check out his snow angel!

Notice that I even found an old winter coat that covers both Lake and me. :-) I wonder if she'll prefer to stay warm inside my belly until after this chilly week passes?? Time will tell! For now, we've got our hospital bag packed and Jeremy is ready to put the chains on the car a moments notice.
Snow day #3 for Jer: The flakes are falling again and Jer made a snow family. :-)