Saturday, March 28, 2009

Lake Meets her Cousin

Uncle Chris, Auntie Kellie, and Cousin Andie are visiting for the week. This is Lake's first opportunity to meet Mommy's brother and his family. It's been fun to see the two little girls get together. As they are both very young, the two have eyed each other and now Andie is getting braver and offering toys with which Lake might enjoy playing. Very cute.

So far, we've taken the girls to A.C. Gilbert's Discovery Museum (Lake slept the whole time while Andie had to be pried away from the bubble room), the Coast (Lake slept through her first walk on the beach while the rest of us got caught off gaurd by a sneeker wave and walked the day in wet feet), and Silver Falls (again Lake slept through the roar of the falling water while the adults learned the limits of off-roading with a stroller). Next on the agenda: The Tulip Festival in Woodburn.
It has been a special gift for family to come out and visit us during our week of spring break!

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